Tuesday's Top Ten: The "Just Don't" List

  1. Don’t leave conservative comments on liberal sites.  They don’t like that.   They write things in response that you won’t like, vulgar, classless things.   They want things for you that are worse than death.
  2. Don’t respond to people who just want to rile you.   I promise, you are getting more revenge by not giving them a reaction than anything you could say.
  3. If you need to vent…vent.   Do it in your car, tell it to God, say it to your best friend.   But don’t hold it in.  It may cause your eyeballs to pop out.   You don’t want that, do you?
  4. If your good friend needs to vent, let them.  Don’t keep cutting in with your own great advice (looking in the mirror as I type).  If they are venting about their loved one, don’t ever say anything negative about that person!   Just listen.
  5. Don’t tell secrets you’ve promised not to tell.
  6. Don’t keep secrets that will harm someone else.  
  7. Don’t be contradictory.   (I know.   I read the above two lines as I wrote them.) 
  8. Don’t spend your life not liking yourself.   If you’ve done terrible things in your past, ask God to forgive you, and then forgive yourself.   It doesn’t matter what you’ve done…it really is okay to forgive yourself, even if someone else doesn’t.  Pray for that person.  Learn to like you.
  9. Never hold unforgiveness in your heart.  God has great rewards for those who have suffered.   It’s called justice, and it’s mentioned over 500 times in the bible.   Justice and righteousness are the foundation of God’s throne.   Forgive that person who hurt you because God’s compensation for what you’ve been through outweighs the hurt you’ve suffered.  Only He can repay like that.
  10. Never think that someone got away with hurting you.  Even if it devastated your life as you knew and loved it, and they seem to be prospering from it.   God is not mocked, what we sow, that’s what we will reap.   The reaping won’t be pretty, either.  Don’t miss your compensation by holding on to unforgiveness.

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Thursday’s Thoughts: The “For Christians” Edition

Everyone has heard the old maxim, “If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.”   The United States of America is perilously close to being un-united, and it’s an unfortunate truth that Christians are part of the problem.

Don’t click the X just yet.

We have church leaders who support a world view instead of a Biblical one.   Morals are hard to find, deception is rampant, and we too often stand idly by, letting the enemy steal, kill and destroy what is rightfully ours!   It’s a dark, dark world, my friends, we cannot afford to become accustomed to the darkness!

Want revival?
Start with yourself.

Until Christians come together, agreeing in prayer, asking for God’s will over our own wills, wants, and traditions, we will not see revival.   That means we all have to get along:  the Church of Christ with the Pentecostals, the Charismatics with the Baptists, the Methodists with the interdenominational believers.  It’s not our jobs to debate the rights and wrongs wearing of pants, dancing, music in the church, or any religious tradition with a brother or sister in Christ.  

If we all get into our God-appointed positions, armed with the word of God, the Bible...our Sword...and prayerfully come together praying God’s will in America, we will see revival as we have never seen it before.   And you just may begin to see that what you thought was important isn’t, and what you brushed over as unimportant is, indeed, important.     

You may be part of the problem if:
  1. You are not praying for the leaders of our country.   That does not mean praying that they will come around to your way of thinking.  No, that means praying “Thy kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH as it is in Heaven"  Praying for our leaders to be in God’s will. (Matt. 6:10)
  2. You bash the President of the United States, then spout Bible verses: Blessings and cursing, this ought not to be!  (James 3:8-10)  Pray for our leaders.
  3. You bash Congress, your local officials, or your next door neighbor.
  4. You still think this is a war between conservatives and liberals and not spiritual warfare.
  5. You post on social networking sites disrespectful, touched up photos of the president, other leaders, celebrities, or anyone else, making it appear they are doing things they are not.   
  6. You use your words carelessly in anything what you say, whether it be politically, about another person, or in your daily life.  We will all give account for every idle word we speak.
  7. The same goes for what you write, anonymously or otherwise.
  8. You don’t vote.
  9. You vote according to party/race/gender without prayerfully seeking the will of God before casting your vote.  
  10.  You let prejudices and biases get in the way of helping others.
Are you ready for some JUSTICE?
People are afraid of Justice. 
Maybe one day I'll tell you all about why we definitely want justice!

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Wednesday's Word

God will always help us.  In times of trouble and in mundane of our daily lives, He is our strength, and He is forever available to us.  When we call on Him, He is right there…He was there all along!

He’ll never leave us, and no matter where we go or what we do, He will not stop loving us.   He knows us…but loves us still.   We are His children, there is great joy in recognizing all the benefits of being His child.

Would you like to be free from the snares (fear, depression, oppression) of the world?  Look to things above and not on all the strife surrounding us.  Freedom comes from knowing Him and by no other way.


Monday Musings: The Truth and Integrity Edition

Does integrity still mean anything? 

In a world where everyone is talking, truth gets lost amid the noise and distractions.  Truth is vitally important.   Our continued freedom depends on knowing it, and without it, we are in a very dangerous place!

Do we have a responsibility to fight for truth?   Though it may seem like a small deal, shouldn’t we demand truth even in the simplest of news reporting?   How about in the headlines?   The things we repost and share on Facebook or Twitter?   

What about in our everyday life?   Do we exaggerate a story or share gossip?  Matthew 12:36-37 reminds us that we will give an account for every idle word we speak, our own words will either justify or condemn us. 

Truth is absolute.  It is what it is.  Denying it won’t change it, and it cannot be altered to suit our lifestyle, just as the words of the Bible cannot be rewritten until we have justified our sin. 
If we had known the truth from our government about Islam extremists, would we be in a safer America today?  Would the fifty men and women killed by Omar Mateen in Orlando still be alive today?  I can’t help but think they would be.

The path to a better America has to start somewhere, it may as well be with you.  And me.  Truth and integrity should be important to all of us.   Be kind to someone today.  Don’t repeat gossip, listen more than you talk.  Make Truth a priority in your life.  And say a prayer for the families and friends of Orlando’s slain. 

Monday Musings: The More Better Edition

Sometimes less is better…the older we get, the better our skin looks with less heavy make up.  

Sometimes more is better...there are times when those skirts really are too short.   When walking out of church and a small wind gust exposes your...everything...a few more inches of hem would have definitely been better.   Is that judgmental of me?  Don’t want to be judging others, you know, but I don’t want to see their hineys, either. 

Less social media is better.   Facebook is a colossal time-waster!  (“Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way.”  Psalm 119:37)  Some may say blogging is, too.  :::looking around to see who is agreeing with that:::

Speaking of social media…less politics is definitely better!  I'm tired of Alabama politics...and at this point, voters have made up their minds, and they won’t be changing them without some solid evidence.   Is anyone else as tired of politics as I am?   Posts from questionable sites and rants from the people who put stock in those stories…on both side…stop it!   If the story is sensationalized, exaggerated, or fabricated, just stop it!   Liberals and conservatives are equally guilty and equally stubborn. 

Sometimes less government is better.   satan has worked long and hard for America, and we have nearly handed it to him on a silver platter.   I sometimes wonder why President Trump is being fought so hard.  The constant push against him is a little unnerving, isn’t it?  What do they think will happen if the POTUS fails?   It is inappropriate and irresponsible!   

Sometimes, less is always better, in this case, less is better:  Weight.  I wonder what the record is for diets started in one year?  

Be clear-minded and alert. Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  
I Peter 5:8

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